New Capsule shows

Tickets are now on sale for a host of new and exciting shows we have coming up at Capsule.
Just confirmed a new signing to Constellation Records ( home to GYBE! and A Silver Mnt Zion) are Seattle based The Dead Science with support from Worcester based Theo who will be performing at the Hare & Hounds on the 5th of Nov.

Another treat on the horizon is Racebannon, a genre-defying avant hardcore punk band from Indianapolis who formed in 1996. They begun as a screamo band on Witching Hour Records and have now evolved to produce bone crushing riffs and manic vocals, a kin to Melt Banana. Support for this comes from Dream Dreams The Dreamer (aka Matt from Esquilax who we should add is a wonderful illustrator and has designed covers for Gallows to name but a few) and the infamous casio-grind trio, Trencher. It should be noted that Lyam from Trencher is himself a talented artist and a member of Drumize along with DJ Scotch Egg, who performed at Supersonic 08.
Check out this amazing video by Trencher, it will melt your mind!


Oxes poster artwork by Drew Millward

Have been meaning to draw your attention to this artwork produced by Drew Millward for the Oxes tour which starts in a couple of weeks time, the Birmingham date is at the Hare & Hounds on Friday 24th of October. We love it! You can check out more of his designs on

While on the subject of poster art here are some other exciting examples of artists who produce gig posters that are worth checking out including Seldon Hunt

and Burlesque Of North America whom we discovered at SXSW a few years ago at Flatstock and ended up parting with a fair bit of cash and now a lack of wall space.

Flatstock is co-presented by the American Poster Institute (API) and South by Southwest (SXSW), and displays the works of more than 100 artists from across North America.


Post phonal event

Thanks for the wonderful turn out on Tuesday night for Approximately Infinate Universe show at the Hare & Hounds, for those that missed out, shame on you! A big congratulations to NoFi for putting the tour together. It was an amazing and really quite unexpected treat in terms of its diversity of collaborations. A new discovery for me was Finnish artist ISLAJA, she has an incredible voice and was well complemented by Blevin Blectums electronic beats.

Blevin was one half of the SF duo Blectum From Blechdom, we saw Kevin Blechdom perform at Sonar a few years ago, and she brought tears to the eye with the most painful rendition of ‘I Will Always Love You’. A stroke of comedy genius.


Tickets for ATP Halloween Party

For those of you based in Birmingham or near by, tickets for ATP Halloween Party with performances by Lightning Bolt, Shellac, OM, Pissed Jeans and Wooden Shjips are on sale at Ideal Skate shop based at the Custard Factory.

18 / 20 Gibb Square
The Custard Factory
B9 4AA
Opening Times
10.30 am – 6.00 pm Monday through to Saturday.
12 Noon – 4.00 pm Sundays.

Also selling tickets are
Polar Bear
10 York Rd
Kings Heath, Birmingham, B14 7RZ
0121 441 5202

Cheltenham House
14-16 Temple St, Birmingham, B2 5BG
0121 633 4859


Shellac/Lightning Bolt/Pissed Jeans/OM/Wooden Shjips come to Birmingham!

We’re over joyed to announce that ATP in collaboration with Capsule will present probably the best line up of the year right here in Birmingham.

RELEASE THE BATS 2008 Halloween Party with:
@ Space 2 . Custard Factory . Birmingham
Sat 1st November

Fancy dress welcome: we’d love it if you could come dressed as something inspired by one of the bands (Perhaps you could simulate some Pissed Jeans? Or arrive in a…Shjip?) or as something spooky to help us with creating the Halloween mood.

We put on Lightning Bolt in 2004 in the theatre space at the Custard Factory and for many in the audience it was a night of musical revelation. If you don’t know much about the band check out this documentary ‘The Power of Salad’ and you too will become a convert to the power of the Bolt, easily one of the most exciting live bands of the last 10 years!

and then of course there is Shellac featuring Big Black guitarist Steve Albini, a band that Capsule have been wanting to bring to Birmingham since we started back in 1999. Probably one of the greatest songs ever written ‘`Prayer To God’

For further details on tickets/recommended hotels and band info check:
Let us know just how excited you are on scale of 1 to 10, we’re pretty much on 11!


Tickets are now on sale…

for the following Capsule shows which include:

Wednesday 17th September 2008
Pelican + Torche
@ The Factory Club

Florida’s TORCHE, who have risen from the ashes of beloved FLOOR + CAVITY, joined by heavy duty cinematic soundscapes by PELICAN.

and then for something a little more mellow…
Tuesday 23rd September 2008
Kemialliset Ystavat & Axolotl + Es & Fursaxa + Islaja, Blevin Blectrum & Samara Lubelski + Dream Triangle

@ The Hare & Hounds . Kings Heath

Each performance a unique and brand new collaboration, each of the acts features a combination of Finnish artists from FONAL, who have invited a US counterpart to collaborate on a composition, highlighting the parallels in strands of the recent evolving trend of ‘weird/avant folk’ between the US West coast and Finland’s northern communities.

Friday 24th October 2008
Oxes + Beestung Lips + Bilge Pump
@ The Hare & Hounds . Kings Heath

“Eardrum-shattering, technically awesome math rock; listen and become the coolest outcast at your school.” A welcome return to Birmingham for this infamous trio, unleash the chaos as they wander amoungst the audience with their guitars!

Sunday 16th November 2008
Murcof with live strings
Oren Marshall

@ The Hare & Hounds . Kings Heath

Esteemed Mexican electronic composer with live strings in a synchronised visual environment.

Feel free to spread the word, more info about each of the bands in the coming up section of the website.


Time off…

Jenny and I will be taking a bit of time off from Capsule now, hopfully able to enjoy a little of our British summer. (its hard to say which is which in this highly accurate depiction of the Capsule Grannies at leisure enjoying a glass or three of bubberly)
capsule holiday

However do not fear we never rest for too long and have already got in place some awesome shows for the coming months including some Japanese psychedelia in the form of ACID MOTHERS TEMPLE who will be playing a 2hr set at the Hare & Hounds on Friday 1st August. Advanced tickets from or from Polar Bear in Kings Heath or Swordfish in Birmingham city centre.
Poster designed by Ben Javens

Acid Mothers Temple poster

Following in September with old friends of Capsule, the mighty TORCHE (ex Cavity whom I might add are one of my all time favourite bands and Floor), these guys are not to be missed and will be joined by PELICAN. Tickets will be on sale soon. In the meantime check out this film footage of Torche from a Chunklet show we had the pleasure of being at in Austen, Texas, it was a truely moving and sweaty experience and reminded us of why live music is so darn exciting! 200 kids squeezed into a 50 capacity warehouse space in 35 degree heat in the middle of no mans land.

and footage of the mighty Cavity RIP


Limited edition prints for Supersonic Festival

Italian design company Malleus, whom we met earlier in the year at Roadburn Festival in the Netherlands have produced a series of limited edition screen prints for Supersonic Festival 2008. They will be on sale during the weekend in our ‘Market Place’ which will be held in the Old Library at the Custard Factory, along with a great selection of record stalls and other treats for your buying pleasure.

Gravetemple poster
Alexander Tucker poster

Guapo poster

Thrones poster