Image by Cathy Wade
All this week the Pavilion houses Carousel – Slide/Tape by Cathy Wade. She has created an immersive environment that explores ownership, time, sound and image. Come and meet Cathy and work with the carousels, original slides and mementos, to create ever changing projected environments. This residency is open til Sunday 20th October.

Image by Katja Ogrin
On Saturday 19th October, there’s another chance to catch the Birder’s Paradise workshop. Nestled around the library are 12 bird sculptures inspired by birds that feature in the content of the library’s collection. The tour is free, just meet at the Pavilion at 11am or reserve a place online at www.birmingham-box.co.uk

The next in our Sunday Film Club series an archive travel compilation of shorts with a focus on Birmingham on Sunday 20th October at 2pm. Amazing footage has been sourced from BFI and MACE (Media Archive for Central England). Tickets are £5 and kids go free. www.birmingham-box.co.uk

Masaki Batoh will be demonstrating his brain pulse music at Bring To Light
The next Discover New Music event is Bring To Light 25-27 October – a Supersonic Festival inspired weekend featuring adventurous new music. The event features the internationally renowned artist Dinos Chapman performing his new sonic work, South African dance phenomenon Shangaan Electro, the roboticist and theremin player Sarah Angliss, the ‘brain pulse’ music of Japan’s Masaki Batoh and many more. Weekend and day tickets are available via www.theticketsellers.co.uk
DINOS CHAPMAN LUV2H8 from thevinylfactory on Vimeo.
Also that weekend, Flatpack Festival are celebrating early cinema with Box of Light. There’ll be performances, screenings and workshops. Bookings are open for very intimate performances of The Icebook. Thoroughly recommended, it uses miniature projects and delicate paper cut outs to create an extraordinary visual effect.Tickets are £5 www.birmingham-box.co.uk